Wednesday, March 26, 2014

prioritizing the things that matter...

I am struggling with prioritizing what I need to get done in the amount of time I have during the day and then you throw in the factor of consistently getting sick. Right now I am fighting the same lower back pain that I have been and then add a sinus infection and a possible ear infection. So year things around my house are nothing near being clean right now. My fiancé was over last week standing in the kitchen and was asking what all of "that" is. As he motioned in a circular motion to a side countertop that has a collection of glass bowls and containers sitting on it. I proceeded to explain that I was not wanting to just put it anywhere. That I was working on organizing and trying to pair things down in order to move Him and his 3 kids into my house that I have had for the last 5 years. SO forgive me if I don't have a post everyday but I am going to try to get back on here and post at least once a week. Key word TRY. My fiancé got me a keyboard for my tablet so now I enjoy being on here doing homework and blogging. SO word is you will be on here more but not as much as I would like and not nearly the amount of DIY that's for sure. For now I am making these 4 a priority and enjoying making memories.

Love, Annelise

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