Thursday, August 21, 2014


Smelling: My iced coffee and whatever fall candle is burning in the kitchen.  

Can't Stop Wearing: My favorite earrings. Good thing they are studs and go with everything.

Watching: Monarch on the Glen, on season 3 and love me some BBC.

Feeling: Excited for the rest of my day but exhausted to think of all the homework I have to do with my kids.

Shocked By: The way teachers are approaching homework now in elementary classrooms. I don’t agree with starting older kids on common core. I think if they want to start teaching it start with a kinder classroom and not try to teach or older ones a new way and expect amazing results.
Grateful For: A husband who tries harder than I can ask for to be everything to all of us. I wish he wouldn’t stress himself out the way he does.

 Looking Forward To: Making a sale on my Etsy site, I have not sold anything on the site but have side request to do things.

 Annoyed At: How Facebook has become a video sharing site lately and all I see anymore is every stupid ice bucket challenge. Just go donate!

 Listening To: Beth Moore Bible Studies

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