Thursday, August 4, 2011

Letting Go and Letting God.

I have finally decided that being out of control of my life is OK. Because my Father, the King of Kings, 
IS in control! I am allowing it to be a precious beautiful moment everyday and to consciously listen to 
Him and let Him lead. I have tried every other avenue in my life and it never ends up anything but messy. 
I have had my fair share of "Mistakes" in my life and have to say they are what make me who I am today. 
Not that I would wish any of it on anyone. 

"Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today.
 The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm." Exodus 14:13-14

Pause and think about it. Let Him RESCUE YOU today! Why do we always look to ourselves or others to rescue us? Why not let our Heavenly Father do it? Whats so hard about that? I know for me its there is not always immediate answers when you allow Him to rescue you, but that is where the beauty is. Letting go and letting God. He is longing for you to reach out and fall, fall into His amazing arms of Grace and let him take your life over. He knows what is going to happen anyways he made the plans and gets a chuckle out of our constant tries to erase and rewrite his story for us. 

Let Go And Let God!

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