Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Catch up despite being knocked on my rear

Guess since I'm feeling knocked on my tushie, I can sit and write a blog update. So Monday night, during my Child Development class I started feeling really congested, and foggy. The boy took me to see a movie and I spent the entire movie blowing my nose or sneezing, needless to say the decongestant had loosened stuff up but maybe too much to be out in public, lol.
Tues morning I dragged my rear out of bed and hit the gym for a morning Pilates class where I usually stand in the front but felt the need to sit in the back. Did not want to have to blow my nose and get up and interrupt class. I was drained after class so I headed home to crash out for the rest of the day, until I needed to be at the church for CR (Celebrate Recovery) Someone very special to be was sharing their testimony, and left me with a new understanding of them. Despite the fever I was fighting.
This morning Today was hard to wake up still not feeling good, although not feeling the severity of the fever I was feeling last night. Although nothing really sounds good to eat since my throat is so raw. The boy just brought me a cold buster from Jamba Juice, so attempting to function normally. Since I do have a @ hour lecture to attend tonight for my Child Development class.

My staples rt now are:

Clever Girls